Tyson Spiotta

Tyson Spiotta

Extreme bacon buff. Wannabe twitter expert. Typical beer expert. Freelance music fanatic. Passionate coffee maven. Freelance beer ninja.

46 Total Posts
How to Easily Get Rid of Wax Stains from Your Carpet

How to Easily Get Rid of Wax Stains from Your Carpet

Cleaning wax stains from your carpet can be a tricky task, but with the right tools and techniques, you can easily remove ...

How to Easily Get Rid of Coffee Stains from Carpets

How to Easily Get Rid of Coffee Stains from Carpets

Coffee stains on carpets can be a real nuisance, but luckily there are a few simple methods you can use to get rid of...

How to Easily Get Rid of Stubborn Carpet Stains

How to Easily Get Rid of Stubborn Carpet Stains

Carpet stains can be a real nuisance, but with the right approach and cleaning solutions, you can easily get rid of them. ...

Does Baking Soda Remove Old Stains from Carpet? - A Comprehensive Guide

Does Baking Soda Remove Old Stains from Carpet? - A Comprehensive Guide

Carpets are often the most traveled piece of furniture in a home, and as such, they can easily become stained. While...

How to Clean Mud Stains from Carpets: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Clean Mud Stains from Carpets: A Comprehensive Guide

Mud stains can be a real nuisance, especially on light-colored carpets. But don't worry, there are several ways to remove ...

The Best Carpet Stain Removers for a Clean and Fresh Home

The Best Carpet Stain Removers for a Clean and Fresh Home

Having a clean and fresh home is a priority for many people, and carpets are often the first thing to suffer from dirt...

What Are the Hardest Carpet Stains to Remove?

What Are the Hardest Carpet Stains to Remove?

These are 8 of the most difficult carpet stains to remove from your carpet, red wine. Red wine is a classic stain that...

Eliminating Old Carpet Stains: A Step-by-Step Guide

Eliminating Old Carpet Stains: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting rid of old carpet stains can be a tricky task, but with the right approach, it can be done with relative ease....

Can Carpet Stains Become Permanent?

Can Carpet Stains Become Permanent?

Carpet fibers act like wicks, drawing liquid that is spilled onto them to the tips of the fibers as they dry. To tackle...

Is Hydrogen Peroxide an Effective Carpet Stain Remover?

Is Hydrogen Peroxide an Effective Carpet Stain Remover?

Hydrogen peroxide is a molecule composed of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. It is a clear liquid with a slightly ...

How to Clean Carpet Stains with DIY Solutions

How to Clean Carpet Stains with DIY Solutions

Carpet cleaning products can be expensive, but there are DIY solutions that can help you clean dirt from your floor. You...

How to Easily Get Rid of Paint Stains from Carpets

How to Easily Get Rid of Paint Stains from Carpets

If you've ever had the misfortune of spilling paint on your carpet, you know how challenging it can be to get rid of it....

How to Easily Get Rid of Ink Stains on Your Carpet

How to Easily Get Rid of Ink Stains on Your Carpet

If you've ever had the misfortune of spilling ink on your carpet, you know how difficult it can be to remove. But don't...

How to Remove Carpet Stains: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Remove Carpet Stains: A Comprehensive Guide

Spills can be absorbed by the fibers of carpets or rugs, and can cause discoloration or change the color of those fibers. ...

Why Do Old Carpet Stains Keep Coming Back? - A Comprehensive Guide

Why Do Old Carpet Stains Keep Coming Back? - A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever noticed that old carpet stains seem to reappear, no matter how hard you try to get rid of them? It's a...

How to Easily Get Rid of Oil Stains from Carpet and Upholstery

How to Easily Get Rid of Oil Stains from Carpet and Upholstery

Oil stains can be a real nuisance, especially when they end up on carpets and upholstery. But don't worry, most oil...

Softening Carpets with Baking Soda: A Non-Toxic and Inexpensive Solution

Softening Carpets with Baking Soda: A Non-Toxic and Inexpensive Solution

Baking soda is a safe and cost-effective way to soften carpets. It is a non-toxic compound that can be easily found in...

How to Clean Carpet Stains with Vinegar and Baking Soda - The Natural Way

How to Clean Carpet Stains with Vinegar and Baking Soda - The Natural Way

Carpet stains can be a real nuisance, but luckily there is a natural and affordable way to get rid of them. Vinegar and...

Eliminating Urine Stains from Carpet with Hydrogen Peroxide

Eliminating Urine Stains from Carpet with Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a great solution for pet urine removal and can be found in the common, brown bottle. To use it, mix...

How to Safely Remove Makeup Stains from Carpets

How to Safely Remove Makeup Stains from Carpets

Having a teenage daughter in the house can mean that makeup stains are a common occurrence on carpets. While these stains ...

Eliminating Food Stains from Your Carpet - A Step-by-Step Guide

Eliminating Food Stains from Your Carpet - A Step-by-Step Guide

Accidents happen, and when they do, food stains can be a real nuisance. Whether it's a spilled glass of juice or a...

How to Easily and Effectively Remove Carpet Stains

How to Easily and Effectively Remove Carpet Stains

No matter how hard you try to keep your carpets clean, accidents happen. Whether it's coffee, blood, wine, or pet stains, ...

The Best Natural Carpet Stain Remover

The Best Natural Carpet Stain Remover

When it comes to removing stains from carpets, there are many natural solutions that can be used instead of harsh...

How to Easily Get Rid of Coffee Stains on Carpet

How to Easily Get Rid of Coffee Stains on Carpet

Coffee stains on the carpet can be a real nuisance, but they don't have to be. With the right tools and techniques, you...

How to Easily Remove Oil Stains from Carpets and Upholstery

How to Easily Remove Oil Stains from Carpets and Upholstery

Oil stains can be a real nuisance, especially when they end up on carpets and upholstery. Whether it's cooking oil,...

How to Get Rid of Set-In Stains: Expert Tips and Tricks

How to Get Rid of Set-In Stains: Expert Tips and Tricks

When it comes to getting rid of set-in stains, it can be a daunting task. But don't worry, there are many effective...

How to Easily Get Rid of Blood Stains on Your Carpet

How to Easily Get Rid of Blood Stains on Your Carpet

Blood stains can be a real nuisance, especially when they are on your carpet. Whether it's a fresh or dried stain, it's...

How to Easily Remove Old Stains from Carpet with Vinegar and Baking Soda

How to Easily Remove Old Stains from Carpet with Vinegar and Baking Soda

Old stains can be a real eyesore on your carpet, but you don't have to live with them. A combination of baking soda and...

How to Easily Get Rid of Old Carpet Stains

How to Easily Get Rid of Old Carpet Stains

Getting rid of old stains on carpets can be a challenging task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right combination of...

3 Powerful Ingredients to Remove Stubborn Stains from Carpet

3 Powerful Ingredients to Remove Stubborn Stains from Carpet

When it comes to tackling tough stains on carpets, a powerful combination of white vinegar, water, and dish soap can be...

How to Remove Carpet Stains: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Remove Carpet Stains: A Comprehensive Guide

Carpet stains can be a major headache for homeowners. From coffee spills to pet urine, it can be difficult to know how to ...

How to Easily Get Rid of Old Stains on Carpet

How to Easily Get Rid of Old Stains on Carpet

Stains on carpets can be a real eyesore, making your floors look older than they are and ruining the overall look of your ...

Are Some Carpet Stains Unavoidable? - How to Avoid Permanent Stains

Are Some Carpet Stains Unavoidable? - How to Avoid Permanent Stains

Carpet stains can be a real nuisance, especially when they seem to be permanent. These stains are usually caused by dirt, ...

How to Remove Carpet Stains with Professional Cleaners

How to Remove Carpet Stains with Professional Cleaners

Carpets are a great way to bring warmth and coziness to any home, but they can also be a magnet for dirt and stains....

Does Carpet Stains Fade Over Time? - An Expert's Perspective

Does Carpet Stains Fade Over Time? - An Expert's Perspective

Carpet stains can be a real nuisance, and if not removed promptly, they can cause permanent damage. Not cleaning or...

How to Easily Remove Pet Urine Stains from Carpet

How to Easily Remove Pet Urine Stains from Carpet

Accidents happen, and when they do, pet urine stains can be a real nuisance. Whether it's a young child or a family pet,...

How to Easily and Effectively Remove Carpet Stains

How to Easily and Effectively Remove Carpet Stains

Carpet stains can be a real nuisance, but with the right technique and cleaning solutions, they can be easily removed....

How to Safely Remove Old Carpet Stains and Avoid Permanent Damage

How to Safely Remove Old Carpet Stains and Avoid Permanent Damage

Carpet dyes come in various forms, and some stains are more difficult to remove than others. It's important to identify...

The Most Effective Carpet Stain Remover for Every Mess

The Most Effective Carpet Stain Remover for Every Mess

When it comes to getting rid of carpet stains, there are a few tried and tested methods that can help. Water, vinegar,...

Can Baking Soda Damage Your Carpet? - An Expert's Perspective

Can Baking Soda Damage Your Carpet? - An Expert's Perspective

The longer you let baking soda sit on your carpet, the better it will be at absorbing odors. If you can leave it on the...

The Best Carpet Stain Removers for Every Type of Stain: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Carpet Stain Removers for Every Type of Stain: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to keeping your carpets looking their best, it's essential to have the right tools on hand. From red wine...

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Coffee Stains on Carpets

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Coffee Stains on Carpets

Coffee stains can be a real nuisance, especially when they have been left to sit for a while. But don't worry, there are...

How to Soften Carpet and Remove Hard Water Stains Easily

How to Soften Carpet and Remove Hard Water Stains Easily

Carpets can become hard and uncomfortable over time, but there are several ways to make them softer. One of the most...

Eliminate Red Wine Stains from Carpets Easily

Eliminate Red Wine Stains from Carpets Easily

Getting rid of red wine stains on carpets can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tools and a...

How to Easily Remove Carpet Stains Without Damaging It

How to Easily Remove Carpet Stains Without Damaging It

Nobody likes it when accidents happen, but when they do, it's important to know how to remove stains from carpets without ...

Can Professional Carpet Cleaners Eradicate Most Stains?

Can Professional Carpet Cleaners Eradicate Most Stains?

When it comes to eliminating stains from carpets, professional cleaning is often the most effective solution. Our...